[短链][Workers] 无服务器 自建短链服务 Url-Shorten-Worker 完整的部署

源码 GitHub https://github.com/crazypeace/Url-Shorten-Worker


KV的名字,以 urlsrv 为例




* password这个key是在脚本中要引用的,所以要设置这个。


随机字符串以 yejiandianci 为例



变量名称必须设置为 LINKS, KV的名字选刚刚创建的 urlsrv

  • LINKS 是在脚本中要引用的,所以要设置这个。换句话说,如果你使用别的脚本,可能这个变量名称就不是LINKS了。




const config = {
  result_page: false, // After get the value from KV, if use a page to show the result.
  theme: "", // Homepage theme, use the empty value for default theme. To use urlcool theme, please fill with "theme/urlcool" .
  cors: true, // Allow Cross-origin resource sharing for API requests.
  unique_link: false, // If it is true, the same long url will be shorten into the same short url
  custom_link: true, // Allow users to customize the short url.
  overwrite_kv: false, // Allow user to overwrite an existed key.
  snapchat_mode: false, // The link will be distroyed after access.
  visit_count: false, // Count visit times.
  load_kv: false, // Load all from Cloudflare KV
  system_type: "shorturl", // shorturl, imghost, other types {pastebin, journal}

// key in protect_keylist can't read, add, del from UI and API
const protect_keylist = [

let index_html = "https://crazypeace.github.io/Url-Shorten-Worker/" + config.theme + "/index.html"
let result_html = "https://crazypeace.github.io/Url-Shorten-Worker/" + config.theme + "/result.html"

const html404 = `<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>404 Not Found.</h1>
    <p>The url you visit is not found.</p>
    <p> <a href="https://github.com/crazypeace/Url-Shorten-Worker/" target="_self">Fork me on GitHub</a> </p>

let response_header = {
  "Content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8;application/json",

if (config.cors) {
  response_header = {
    "Content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8;application/json",
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
    "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST",
    "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type",

function base64ToBlob(base64String) {
  var parts = base64String.split(';base64,');
  var contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1];
  var raw = atob(parts[1]);
  var rawLength = raw.length;
  var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(rawLength);
  for (var i = 0; i < rawLength; ++i) {
    uInt8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i);
  return new Blob([uInt8Array], { type: contentType });

async function randomString(len) {
  len = len || 6;
  let chars = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678';    /*去掉了容易混淆的字符oOLl,9gq,Vv,Uu,I1 *** Easily confused characters removed */
  let maxPos = chars.length;
  let result = '';
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    result += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos));
  return result;

async function sha512(url) {
  url = new TextEncoder().encode(url)

  const url_digest = await crypto.subtle.digest(
      name: "SHA-512",
    url, // The data you want to hash as an ArrayBuffer
  const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(url_digest)); // convert buffer to byte array
  const hashHex = hashArray.map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
  return hashHex

async function checkURL(URL) {
  let str = URL;
  let Expression = /http(s)?:\/\/([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(\/[\w- .\/?%&=]*)?/;
  let objExp = new RegExp(Expression);
  if (objExp.test(str) == true) {
    if (str[0] == 'h')
      return true;
      return false;
  } else {
    return false;

async function save_url(URL) {
  let random_key = await randomString()
  let is_exist = await LINKS.get(random_key)
  // console.log(is_exist)
  if (is_exist == null) {
    return await LINKS.put(random_key, URL), random_key
  else {

async function is_url_exist(url_sha512) {
  let is_exist = await LINKS.get(url_sha512)
  // console.log(is_exist)
  if (is_exist == null) {
    return false
  } else {
    return is_exist

async function handleRequest(request) {
  // console.log(request)

  // 查KV中的password对应的值 Query "password" in KV
  const password_value = await LINKS.get("password");

  // 以下是API接口的处理 Below is operation for API

  if (request.method === "POST") {
    let req = await request.json()
    // console.log(req)

    let req_cmd = req["cmd"]
    let req_url = req["url"]
    let req_key = req["key"]
    let req_password = req["password"]


    if (req_password != password_value) {
      return new Response(`{"status":500,"key": "", "error":"Error: Invalid password."}`, {
        headers: response_header,

    if (req_cmd == "add") {
      if ((config.system_type == "shorturl") && !await checkURL(req_url)) {
        return new Response(`{"status":500, "url": "` + req_url + `", "error":"Error: Url illegal."}`, {
          headers: response_header,

      let stat, random_key
      if (config.custom_link && (req_key != "")) {
        // Refuse 'password" as Custom shortURL
        if (protect_keylist.includes(req_key)) {
          return new Response(`{"status":500,"key": "` + req_key + `", "error":"Error: Key in protect_keylist."}`, {
            headers: response_header,

        let is_exist = await is_url_exist(req_key)
        if ((!config.overwrite_kv) && (is_exist)) {
          return new Response(`{"status":500,"key": "` + req_key + `", "error":"Error: Specific key existed."}`, {
            headers: response_header,
        } else {
          random_key = req_key
          stat, await LINKS.put(req_key, req_url)
      } else if (config.unique_link) {
        let url_sha512 = await sha512(req_url)
        let url_key = await is_url_exist(url_sha512)
        if (url_key) {
          random_key = url_key
        } else {
          stat, random_key = await save_url(req_url)
          if (typeof (stat) == "undefined") {
            await LINKS.put(url_sha512, random_key)
            // console.log()
      } else {
        stat, random_key = await save_url(req_url)
      // console.log(stat)
      if (typeof (stat) == "undefined") {
        return new Response(`{"status":200, "key":"` + random_key + `", "error": ""}`, {
          headers: response_header,
      } else {
        return new Response(`{"status":500, "key": "", "error":"Error: Reach the KV write limitation."}`, {
          headers: response_header,
    } else if (req_cmd == "del") {
      // Refuse to delete 'password' entry
      if (protect_keylist.includes(req_key)) {
        return new Response(`{"status":500, "key": "` + req_key + `", "error":"Error: Key in protect_keylist."}`, {
          headers: response_header,

      await LINKS.delete(req_key)
      // 计数功能打开的话, 要把计数的那条KV也删掉 Remove the visit times record
      if (config.visit_count) {
        await LINKS.delete(req_key + "-count")

      return new Response(`{"status":200, "key": "` + req_key + `", "error": ""}`, {
        headers: response_header,
    } else if (req_cmd == "qry") {
      // Refuse to query 'password'
      if (protect_keylist.includes(req_key)) {
        return new Response(`{"status":500,"key": "` + req_key + `", "error":"Error: Key in protect_keylist."}`, {
          headers: response_header,

      let value = await LINKS.get(req_key)
      if (value != null) {
        let jsonObjectRetrun = JSON.parse(`{"status":200, "error":"", "key":"", "url":""}`);
        jsonObjectRetrun.key = req_key;
        jsonObjectRetrun.url = value;
        return new Response(JSON.stringify(jsonObjectRetrun), {
          headers: response_header,
      } else {
        return new Response(`{"status":500, "key": "` + req_key + `", "error":"Error: Key not exist."}`, {
          headers: response_header,
    } else if (req_cmd == "qryall") {
      if ( !config.load_kv) {
        return new Response(`{"status":500, "error":"Error: Config.load_kv false."}`, {
          headers: response_header,

      let keyList = await LINKS.list()
      if (keyList != null) {
        // 初始化返回数据结构 Init the return struct
        let jsonObjectRetrun = JSON.parse(`{"status":200, "error":"", "kvlist": []}`);
        for (var i = 0; i < keyList.keys.length; i++) {
          let item = keyList.keys[i];
          // Hide 'password' from the query all result
          if (protect_keylist.includes(item.name)) {
          // Hide '-count' from the query all result
          if (item.name.endsWith("-count")) {

          let url = await LINKS.get(item.name);
          let newElement = { "key": item.name, "value": url };
          // 填充要返回的列表 Fill the return list

        return new Response(JSON.stringify(jsonObjectRetrun) , {
          headers: response_header,
      } else {
        return new Response(`{"status":500, "error":"Error: Load keyList failed."}`, {
          headers: response_header,


  } else if (request.method === "OPTIONS") {
    return new Response(``, {
      headers: response_header,

  // 以下是浏览器直接访问worker页面的处理 Below is operation for browser visit worker page

  const requestURL = new URL(request.url)
  let path = requestURL.pathname.split("/")[1]
  path = decodeURIComponent(path);
  const params = requestURL.search;

  // console.log(path)
  // 如果path为空, 即直接访问本worker
  // If visit this worker directly (no path)
  if (!path) {
    return Response.redirect("https://zelikk.blogspot.com/search/label/Url-Shorten-Worker", 302)
    /* new Response(html404, {
      headers: response_header,
      status: 404
    }) */

  // 如果path符合password 显示操作页面index.html
  // if path equals password, return index.html
  if (path == password_value) {
    let index = await fetch(index_html)
    index = await index.text()
    index = index.replace(/__PASSWORD__/gm, password_value)
    // 操作页面文字修改
    // index = index.replace(/短链系统变身/gm, "")
    return new Response(index, {
      headers: response_header,

  // 在KV中查询 短链接 对应的原链接
  // Query the value(long url) in KV by key(short url)
  let value = await LINKS.get(path);
  // console.log(value)

  // 如果path是'password', 让查询结果为空, 不然直接就把password查出来了
  // Protect password. If path equals 'password', set result null
  if (protect_keylist.includes(path)) {
    value = ""

  if (!value) {
    // KV中没有数据, 返回404
    // If request not in KV, return 404
    return new Response(html404, {
      headers: response_header,
      status: 404

  // 计数功能
  if (config.visit_count) {
    // 获取并增加访问计数
    let count = await LINKS.get(path + "-count");
    if (count === null) {
      await LINKS.put(path + "-count", "1"); // 初始化为1,因为这是首次访问
    } else {
      count = parseInt(count) + 1;
      await LINKS.put(path + "-count", count.toString());

  // 如果阅后即焚模式
  if (config.snapchat_mode) {
    // 删除KV中的记录
    // Remove record before jump to long url
    await LINKS.delete(path)

  // 带上参数部分, 拼装要跳转的最终网址
  // URL to jump finally
  if (params) {
    value = value + params

  // 如果自定义了结果页面
  if (config.result_page) {
    let result_page_html = await fetch(result_html)
    let result_page_html_text = await result_page_html.text()      
    result_page_html_text = result_page_html_text.replace(/{__FINAL_LINK__}/gm, value)
    return new Response(result_page_html_text, {
      headers: response_header,

  // 以下是不使用自定义结果页面的处理
  // 作为一个短链系统, 需要跳转
  if (config.system_type == "shorturl") {
    return Response.redirect(value, 302)
  } else if (config.system_type == "imghost") {
    // 如果是图床      
    var blob = base64ToBlob(value)
    return new Response(blob, {
      // 图片不能指定content-type为 text/plain
  } else {
    // 如果只是一个单纯的key-value系统, 简单的显示value就行了
    return new Response(value, {
      headers: response_header,

addEventListener("fetch", async event => {

要访问 你的worker域名/yejiandianci 来打开使用页面


// 项目名,决定html从哪个项目获取,
const github_repo = typeof(GITHUB_REPO)!="undefined" ? GITHUB_REPO
    : 'AoEiuV020/Url-Shorten-Worker'
// 项目版本,cdn会有缓存,所以有更新时需要指定版本,
const github_version = typeof(GITHUB_VERSION)!="undefined" ? GITHUB_VERSION
    : '@main'
// 密码,密码正确情况无视白名单和超时设置,且支持自定义短链接,
const password = typeof(PASSWORD)!="undefined" ? PASSWORD
    : 'AoEiuV020 yes'
// 短链超时,单位毫秒,支持整数乘法,0表示不设置超时,
const shorten_timeout = typeof(SHORTEN_TIMEOUT)!="undefined" ? SHORTEN_TIMEOUT.split("*").reduce((a,b)=>parseInt(a)*parseInt(b),1)
    : (1000 * 60 * 10)
// 默认短链key的长度,遇到重复时会自动延长,
const default_len = typeof(DEFAULT_LEN)!="undefined" ? parseInt(DEFAULT_LEN)
    : 6
// 为true开启演示,否则无密码且非白名单请求不受理,是则允许访客试用,超时后失效,
const demo_mode = typeof(DEMO_MODE)!="undefined" ? DEMO_MODE === 'true'
    : true
// 为true自动删除超时的演示短链接记录,否则仅是标记过期,以便在后台查询历史记录,
const remove_completely = typeof(REMOVE_COMPLETELY)!="undefined" ? REMOVE_COMPLETELY === 'true'
    : true
// 白名单中的域名无视超时,json数组格式,写顶级域名就可以,自动通过顶级域名和所有二级域名,
const white_list = JSON.parse(typeof(WHITE_LIST)!="undefined" ? WHITE_LIST
    : `[
// 演示模式开启时网页上展示这段禁止滥用提示,并不需要明确表示什么时候失效,
const demo_notice = typeof(DEMO_NOTICE)!="undefined" ? DEMO_NOTICE
    : `注意:为防止示例服务被人滥用,故所有由demo网站生成的链接随时可能失效,如需长期使用请自行搭建。`
//console.log(`${github_repo}, ${github_version}, ${password}, ${shorten_timeout}, ${demo_mode}, ${white_list}, ${demo_notice}`)
const html404 = `<!DOCTYPE html>
  <h1>404 Not Found.</h1>
  <p>The url you visit is not found.</p>

async function randomString(len) {
    let $chars = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678';    /****默认去掉了容易混淆的字符oOLl,9gq,Vv,Uu,I1****/
    let maxPos = $chars.length;
  let result = '';
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    result += $chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos));
  return result;
async function checkURL(url){
    let str=url;
    let Expression=/^http(s)?:\/\/(.*@)?([\w-]+\.)*[\w-]+([_\-.,~!*:#()\w\/?%&=]*)?$/;
    let objExp=new RegExp(Expression);
      if (str[0] == 'h')
        return true;
        return false;
        return false;
// 检查域名是否在白名单中,参数只包含域名部分,
async function checkWhite(host){
    return white_list.some((h) => host == h || host.endsWith('.'+h))
async function md5(message) {
  const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(message) // encode as (utf-8) Uint8Array
  const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('MD5', msgUint8) // hash the message
  const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer)) // convert buffer to byte array
  const hashHex = hashArray.map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('') // convert bytes to hex string

  return hashHex
async function checkHash(url, hash) {
    if (!hash) {
        return false
    return (await md5(url+password)) == hash
async function save_url(url, key, admin, len) {
  len = len || default_len;
    // 密码正确且指定了key的情况直接覆盖旧值,
    const override = admin && key
    if (!override) {
        // 密码不正确情况无视指定key,
        key = await randomString(len)
    const is_exists = await load_url(key)
    console.log("key exists " + key + " " + is_exists)
    if (override || !is_exists) {
        var mode = 3
        if (admin) {
            mode = 0
        let value = `${mode};${Date.now()};${url}`
        if (remove_completely && mode != 0 && !await checkWhite(new URL(url).host)) {
          // 利用expirationTtl实现过期记录自动删除,低于60秒会报错,
          let ttl = Math.max(60, shorten_timeout / 1000)
          console.log("key auto remove: " + key + ", " + ttl + "s")
          return await LINKS.put(key, value, {expirationTtl: ttl}),key
        } else {
          return await LINKS.put(key, value),key
    } else {
        return await save_url(url, key, admin, len + 1)
async function load_url(key) {
    const value = await LINKS.get(key)
    if (!value) {
        return null
    const list = value.split(';')
    console.log("value split " + list)
    var url
    if (list.length == 1) {
        // 老数据暂且正常跳转,
        url = list[0]
    } else {
        url = list[2]
        const mode = parseInt(list[0])
        const create_time = parseInt(list[1])
        if (mode != 0 && shorten_timeout > 0
            && Date.now() - create_time > shorten_timeout) {
            const host = new URL(url).host
            if (await checkWhite(host)) {
                console.log('white list')
            } else {
                // 超时和找不到做同样的处理,
                console.log("shorten timeout")
                return null
    return url
async function handleRequest(request) {
  if (request.method === "POST") {
    let req=await request.json()
    console.log("url " + req["url"])
    let admin = await checkHash(req["url"], req["hash"])
    console.log("admin " + admin)
    if(!await checkURL(req["url"]) || (!admin && !demo_mode && !await checkWhite(new URL(req["url"]).host))){
    // 非演示模式下,非白名单地址当成地址不合法处理,
    return new Response(`{"status":500,"key":": Error: Url illegal."}`, {
      headers: {
      "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST",
    let stat,random_key=await save_url(req["url"], req["key"], admin)
    console.log("stat " + stat)
    if (typeof(stat) == "undefined"){
      return new Response(`{"status":200,"key":"/`+random_key+`"}`, {
      headers: {
      "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST",
      return new Response(`{"status":200,"key":": Error:Reach the KV write limitation."}`, {
      headers: {
      "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST",
  }else if(request.method === "OPTIONS"){  
      return new Response(``, {
      headers: {
      "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8",
      "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST",


  const requestURL = new URL(request.url)
  const path = requestURL.pathname.split("/")[1]

    const html= await fetch(`https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/${github_repo}${github_version}/index.html`)
    const text = (await html.text())
        .replaceAll("###GITHUB_REPO###", github_repo)
        .replaceAll("###GITHUB_VERSION###", github_version)
        .replaceAll("###DEMO_NOTICE###", demo_notice)
    return new Response(text, {
    headers: {
      "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8",
  const url = await load_url(path)
  if (!url) {
    // 找不到或者超时直接404,
    console.log('not found')
    return new Response(html404, {
      headers: {
        "content-type": "text/html;charset=UTF-8",
      status: 404
  return Response.redirect(url, 302)

addEventListener("fetch", async event => {

Last updated